How to determine you have kicker cards in your hand? Learn here

Flush poker
Flush poker is made of cards of identical suits. According to GetMega, when determining the kicker cards in your hands, it is good to know each card’s ranking. This way you can become a better player. First, a kicker card is a card you are not using when making a hand combined with the cards on the table. There is the possibility that you can, in every hand combination, have more than kicker cards in your hand at a given time. And at times, you may have none. The main reason for having kicker cards will help you to break the ties with your opponent if you have the same hand combination.
Flush poker is a fantastic game that you can play on GetMega and get massive rewards. With this article, you will learn how to determine you have kicker cards in your hand?
Determining the kicker cards you have in your hands.
It can be determined by how ranking is done in the cards. According to GetMega rules that are followed while ranking the highest card is the highest kicker. If two players have the same high card, both players contain a king but no ace. The ranking goes on until the lowest rank. Now let’s look in depth at how you can determine the kicker cards you have in your hands.
One Pair
It is a hand combination of cards on your hand. It is a combination with 2 of the five cards used in your hand combination but leaving the other three cards on the tables. Therefore if you have one pair of cards, it means you have two numerically matching cards in your hand, and the remaining three cards are your kicker cards.
Two pair
Two pairs, as also mentioned in GetMega, is a hand combination that consists of kicker cards. It means you will have four cards out of the five cards on the table to form the mixture. Therefore this will involve having two different pairs on the same hand. For example, one can be a pair of numerical cards, and the others can be letters, then you will have one kicker card.
Three of a kinds
It is a hand combination that you will have similar three kicker cards into your hands. Here you are using only the three cards leaving the two cards on the table. If this happens, then you will have three matching numerical cards and two kicker cards.
Straight is a hand combination with all the five kicker cards in your hands. There must be a card left in flush poker that is not among the combination of the five cards. When this happens, then it means you have five cards in your hand that are of any suit, but they are in sequential order. It means you will have 0 kicker cards in your hand.
Flush House
It is a hand combination of any three kinds and a pair that form all five cards. In flush poker, you will have to have one or more cards left out of the five cards that do not form the combination. If this happens, then it means that you have a combination of 3 kinds and a pair of cards in your hand. It means you will have 0 kicker cards in your hand.
Four of a kind
In flush poker, it indicates that you have four kicker card combinations out of the five cards. When this happens, then you have four numerical match cards and one kicker card in your hand.
Straight flush
It is a hand combination in which you have all five cards in your hand in sequential order; however, there is no kicker card. There have to be one or more cards left out of the five cards in your hand to have a kicker card in flush poker. If this happens, you have five cards of the same suit on your hand in sequential order.
Once you understand how the different flush poker cards are ranked, it will be easier to know how many kicker cards are in your hands or what you are looking at. Remember, the kicker cards are the ones that are spare cards in your hand. For example, if you have 2-2-A-A-K, then your kicker card can be K in your hand. And this kicker will be used to determine the winner. If you want to see the game in action, you can play it on GetMega, and if you are good at it, you can get a lot of rewards.
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